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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

F-Secure Internet Security 2013 Free with 1-Year License Key

 F-Secure Internet Security 2013 is a strong Antivirus. for instance it uses cloud-based technology to protect against the latest threats. Its intelligent firewall keeps hackers at away from you, while also keeping tracking how your internet connection is being used.

 It offers following features:

  • Worry-free online life
  • Safeguards your children
  • Protects your identity
  • Online chat or phone support
  • Instant protection against all threats
  • Blocks spam and phishing e-mails
  I've got a way to get F-Secure Internet Security 2013 Free 1-Year License Key from a blog and i will share it to you. please just follow the procedures below:

Before applying for license request, you should know that:
  • If you need one year or lengthier subscription of F-Secure Internet Security 2013, you will need to use more than one email address.
  • License request is being monitored through IP address tracking. This means one IP can get only one license at maximum.
  • There is no country restriction means you can apply from anywhere in the world. You need to have internet access.
  • As there is IP restriction, you will need to use different proxy services. Google can help you in this matter. Or if you want, you can use HotSpotShield which is free and reliable solution.
  • For each license request, you need to use the email which you have never registered with F-Secure. In this case, is the best choice.
  • You will need to disconnect and connect HotSpotShield for each license request.
  • It will take time but you can save moneys.
  • We assume, you have already installed HotSpotShield and you have many unused email accounts.
  • Open the following address into your web browser and fill it (you can use Google translate). Remember that Herr is male and Frau is female.
  • After license request, if you see webpage text like this, you will get your license very soon. Any other text means license or IP address has already been used.

    Within two minutes, you will get the license into your email address. Just keep it safe and be ready for next license request. Close your browser.
  • Disconnect HotSpotShield and reconnect it. Run browser again, copy and paste the above given internet address and apply for next license. You can repeat this exercise for as many times as you want but you need to use new email and IP address each and every time as I have told you in Before Hands section.

  • Just click on F-Secure icon in task-bar. A small blue window at the bottom middle of desktop will open. Click on text F-Secure and a menu will open. Now click on View my subscription
  • A new window will open. Click on blue text. Add new subscription or campaign code". A new window will open. Copy and paste one of your keys in the text box labeled.
  • Press button Validate and let it connect to internet to validate your license.
  • After validation, you can see your license life in Subscription window. You can repeat this license validation process for as many times as you want but each and every time you need to use the new license key.
  • Remember, one license is valid for 3 months. Website declare it six months but it is not. You will need to have 3 licenses to get one year subscription. It will take 10 minutes maximum. Enjoy it.

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    Tech-Trx: F-Secure Internet Security 2013 With 1-Year License Key >>>>> Download Full

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